6 Fun and Creative Back to School Activities for Kids
Back to school season is a fun season for kids to get to see their friends again while others are anxious about a new teacher or even a new school. This is why we believe in providing fun activities during the back to school season for kids. Here we have six creative back to school activities for kids to start building positive relationships and to help with your classroom management too. Another benefit of back to school activities is that they can help kids get excited about learning and having YOU as their teacher!
Activity 1: Back to School Scavenger Hunt
This back to school classroom scavenger hunt is a perfect way to help students get to know the classroom and find everything they will need and use throughout the school year. Students will get a chance to explore their new classroom as they walk around and find answers to the questions. Also, this back to school activity is editable so you can adjust it to fit the needs of your class! Download it here today!

Activity 2: Exploring Nature and the Environment
One of the best ways to engage in creative back to school activities for kids is to get outside and explore nature. For example, your class can complete a scavenger hunt outside. This is great for new students to learn the outdoor play areas and specific playgrounds for their grade. Also, an outside scavenger hunt is great for sharing playground rules too!

Activity 3: All About Me Collage
There are many ways students can create an all about me project. First of all, gather up different magazines and newspapers over the summer. Next, have students create an all about me collage! On each collage students can put pictures of families, sports they like to play, pets, and more. You can use this fun idea for your bulletin board display too! For extra fun, hide the students’ names and have parents guess Who Am I? at Open House or Parent Night

Activity 4: Minute to Win It Games
Minute to Win it games are a fun way to encourage team work and collaboration. One of our favorite minute to win it games includes balloons and a STEM portion. For younger grades you can blow up the balloons and tie them already; however, for older kids let them blow up the balloons and tie them too! Next, have students attempt to build the tallest balloon tower. This is a great teamwork game and will enhance critical thinking skills. In addition, this activity gives you an idea on who works well together and their background knowledge with STEM activities.
Activity 5: True or False Game
Play this fun true or false game with your students and have them get to know you! Student make their best guesses about you as a teacher, and after that it’s time for them to come up with True or False questions about themselves! Send this home for homework, play as a game in class, or use as a fun icebreaker activity. Check out this editable game here!

Activity 6: The Best Ice Breaker Ideas
Icebreakers are a fun way to get to know new people and build relationships. For example, a name game is a fun way to learn everyone’s name and get to know each other. You can play a game where everyone says their name and an adjective that starts with the same letter as their name. For example, “My name is Sarah and I’m silly.”
In addition, check out this conversation starters with180 questions. These conversation starters are funny, interesting, thoughtful and just plain fun questions to ask to get to know your class! Not only are these cards great for a fun back to school activities but you can also use them for morning meetings and even writing prompts for the whole year too!

Finally, would you rather questions are a fun way to get to know each other’s preferences and opinions. You can ask questions like, “Would you rather have super strength or the ability to fly?” or “Would you rather live in a treehouse or a castle?”
Each of these ice breakers and ideas are great for the first week of school and throughout the year. Back to school activities are an important way to help kids transition back into the school routine and get excited about learning, their new teacher, and for some a new school. Whether it’s scavenger hunts, all about me collage, playing Minute to Win it games, or engaging in icebreaker activities, there are many fun and creative ways to get kids excited about learning.
So, as you prepare for the new school year, be sure to engage in fun and creative back to school activities with your kids. You’ll be setting the tone for a successful school year and helping your kids develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed.